Mark Steyn


Q: How can I stay up to date with Mark's thoughts on the world?

A: On Sunday mornings we post our round-up of the previous week in A Se'nnight of Steyn. This contains links to all Mark's work in print, audio and video from the preceding seven days, so it's the easiest, handiest one-stop shop.

Q: What appears when on SteynOnline?

A: We usually start the week with a Monday Notebook, after which Mark's columns appear as and when the news demands it.

Every day Monday to Thursday at about 8pm UK/3pm North American Eastern we post the video of that day's edition of The Mark Steyn Show. If you're in the Eastern Hemisphere, you may find it more convenient to catch the show Tuesday to Friday at 5pm Australian Eastern on ADH TV.

On Tuesday Mark appears with his longtime Rush comrade, Bo Snerdley, on New York's radio powerhouse 77 WABC live at 4pm North American Eastern time.

On Thursday Laura's Links, our weekly Internet round-up, is posted at 11am Eastern. Also on Thursday Serenade Radio airs a replay of Steyn's Song of the Week at 9pm UK time/4pm North American Eastern.

On Friday Steyn hosts a Clubland Q&A live around the planet, occasionally followed by a video postscript in Mark's Mailbox.

Q: What about the weekend?

A: Rick's Flicks, our weekend movie date, appears at SteynOnline every Saturday evening, and Steyn's Song of the Week every Sunday evening. On Sunday afternoon we air rotating monthly features, including The Hundred Years Ago Show, Steyn's video poetry, and the Serenade Radio edition of Song of the Week.

Once a month, we offer for Mark Steyn Club members a nightly radio serialization of Mark's Tales for Our Time, which usually airs each evening around 9pm Eastern.

Q: How do you pronounce Mark's name – Stine, Stain or Steen?

A: Mark Stain would be tautological. It's Stine. The internal rhyme in SteynOnline is an easy way to remember.

Q: How did Mark start out?

A: Mark started as a disc-jockey, and still likes to keep his hand in when the opportunity presents. He's played country, classical, rock, easy listening over the years. He's also hosted many other kinds of radio and TV shows, from a BBC talk-show from New York to the live Glyndebourne opera broadcasts on Britain's Channel 4, plus various arts documentaries which still turn up on obscure cable channels at four in the morning.

Q: What does he like to do when he's not writing?

A: Dogsledding.

Q: That's it?

A: He also likes recording Christmas singles and cat albums. Would you like to hear his latest?

Q: No.

A: Sure?

Q: Yes.

A: Wait a minute, how did the Qs wind up doing the answers and the As doing the questions?

Q: Beats me.

A: There you go again.


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